Tuesday, May 22, 2018

World Bank Data with pandas_datareader

The World Bank publishes lots of data. They make data available for download as csv, xml, or xls files. Additionally, they make the data available through API calls, which is the civilized route. Tariq Khokhar wrote an excellent survey of libraries for accessing World Bank data in Python, R, Ruby, and Stata. We'll use one of the libraries discussed, pandas_datareader. This will be a quick look at per capita GDP trends for a few countries using pandas_datareader. In another blog post, we'll look at the same exercise using the csv files to show how much harder it is.

World Bank Data

Scanning the list of indicators, we see the link to "GDP per capita, PPP...", and the text for the link gives the indicator code we are looking for, "NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.CD". Additionally we can note from the chart that the populated data starts in 1990. Following the link, we get the option to download the series as csv, xml, or xls, and can download a file (now named API_NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.CD_DS2_en_csv_v2_9908727.zip, but it could be something else another day) to use in a later blog.

Installing pandas_datareader

A pandas_datareader can be installed using conda:

$ conda install -c anaconda pandas-datareader

Using pandas_datareader

The following can be downloaded as a notebook. The chart created in the notebook can be seen below.

world bank data with pandas_datareader

Downloaded ppp data csv. Workaround neded for version incompatability in datareader. See discussion</a href>.

In [33]:
# imports
import os
import pandas as pd
pd.core.common.is_list_like = pd.api.types.is_list_like # workaround
from pandas_datareader import wb as WB

indCode = "NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.CD" # code for  per capita ppp gdp

Downloading with pandas_datareader

Arguments are

  • indicator= Code for series to grab
  • country= "all" or list of 2 byte country codes. Defailt is to "CA MX US".split(). We should prefer to filter in Python rather than in the pull.
  • start= Desired start year. Better to filter in Python so set early.
  • stop= Desired stop year. Better to filter in Python so set late.
In [50]:
# grab all data for 
pppDF = WB.download(indicator=indCode, country="all", start=1980, end=2020)
country year
Arab World 2017 NaN
2016 16726.722185
2015 16302.363760
2014 15934.202070
2013 15548.200905

Reshaping the data

  • Removing rows with null entries.
  • Reseting indexes because you never want indexes.
  • Giving a normal whitespace free name to the series.
  • Sorting just to make table display read better.
  • Making numeric copy of the string year.
In [51]:
pppDF = pppDF.dropna().reset_index()
pppDF.columns = "country year GDPpc".split()
pppDF.sort_values("year country".split(), inplace=True)
pppDF["yearN"] = pppDF.year.apply(pd.to_numeric)
country year GDPpc yearN
1263 Albania 1990 2722.280344 1990
1290 Algeria 1990 6616.408352 1990
1317 Angola 1990 2840.200763 1990
1344 Antigua and Barbuda 1990 10587.593409 1990
26 Arab World 1990 6759.785391 1990

Filtering for top African economies

The spelling of Egypt is a little unfortunate. Here we need exact matches.

In [52]:
# top Africa economies
aL = "Nigeria|South Africa|Egypt, Arab Rep.|Morocco|Ethiopia".split("|")
africaDF = pppDF[pppDF.country.isin(aL)]
country year GDPpc yearN
2571 Egypt, Arab Rep. 1990 3819.286370 1990
2694 Ethiopia 1990 421.378824 1990
4261 Morocco 1990 2528.458556 1990
4514 Nigeria 1990 1965.827996 1990
5256 South Africa 1990 6267.091465 1990


In [54]:
# the next line is needed to diaplay the plot in the notebook
%matplotlib inline  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots() 
africaDF.groupby("country").plot(x="yearN", y="GDPpc", ax=ax)
ax.legend("Egypt|Ethiopia|Morocco|Nigeria|South Africa".split("|"))

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